Leon's Commentary on the Numbers 14 Ver 20
" And the Lord said, I have pardoned according to your word."Num 14:20
Why does God forgive?
God is always forgiving, never asking forgiveness.
Nowhere in the Torah does God ask man for forgiveness.
Surely He should ask forgiveness?
He does all the bad things.
Death, disease and suffering.
Should I or need I forgive Him?
In His Torah He asks us
To love, obey and worship Him.
Can I love, obey and worship Him?
After all the suffering, disease and death?
Yes, if I forgive Him.
For doing those terrible things to me.
God's request for us to forgive Him isn't explicit.
His request is implied the command.
"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thine soul and with all thine might" Deut 6:5
If we are going to love Him we need to forgive Him.
Our love for God can only be genuine if we forgive Him.
Praying, fasting, dancing, singing etc. before the Lord.
Is all a farce unless we forgive Him.
Like God His creatures cause us suffering.
They kill us, beat us, steal from us, lie etc.
God also brings death and suffering.
By forgiving His creatures for doing these things.
I put myself in a position to show Him genuine love.
The forgiveness I need to give God I give to His creatures.
When I forgive His creatures it's as if I am forgiving God.
God's command to love Him is therefore an implied request to forgive Him.
This we do by forgiving His creatures.
Love of God is our motivation to forgive our fellow man.
We obey the command to love God by forgiving His creatures.
Forgiving them puts us in a position to be kind to His creatures.
God needs us to show kindness to His creatures.
We are the means by which God shows kindness to His creatures.
We forgive them the harm they've done to us and kindness follows.
By forgiving them, as God forgives us, unconditionally, we can be kind to them.
Unlike God, your kindness and mercy aren't built in.
God shows mercy to the universe without waiting for a request.
Forgiving someone and showing kindness makes you like God.
Especially if the person hasn't asked for your forgiveness.
You are acting as if kindness is a built in characteristic.
You can't have God's characteristics.
But, knowing them, you can act as if you have them.
You become as important to man as God is to the universe.
You become His representative on earth.
You fulfill the function for which God placed you here.
In our prayers we call God the healer.
But this is only so if you do the healing.
God needs you to be kind and to heal and alleviate suffering.
But you can only achieve the ability of being kind if you forgive.