Leon's Commentary on the First Chapter of the Book of Genesis

The Oneness of God can be compared to the oneness of the Atom and Creation to the splitting of the atom
The splitting of the Atom must surely be one of the great discoveries of recent times
This discovery showed that there is an ultimate one and the great variety of objects and phenomena in the universe derive from dividing the ultimate one into many.
A good look at Genesis shows that this is also the way the world was created. It also shows that there are two processes and both are infinite.
There is an infinite one which infinitely never divides and there is an infinite one which infinitely divides
We know nothing about the infinite one which infinitely never divides.
However the one which divides infinitely is the one with which we are familiar, and which amazes us by the rapidity which characterizes its division. As I write division is continuing.
Before creation there was one phenomenon, which has no name, obviously because only when there are many phenomena names are needed to distinguish one from another.
After creation there were two. The one was called heaven and the other earth.
The Bible doesn't tell us anything about heaven excepting, later on, that God lives there.
Heaven is obviously out of the sphere of the earth and no division takes place there. It's not what we call heaven, which is really sky and is a part of the earth.
Heaven is somewhere else, in some unknown place where one continues as one, total, complete and undivided.
The earth is a different story. Here, according to the Bible myriads of divisions take place.
Division is the process that leads to creation and everything that happens after it, both the natural and historical events.
The Bible can be seen as a great history book of the earth.
This history is a series of divisions.
First the earth consisted only of one phenomenon (not to be confused with the one, perfect phenomenon which exists beyond heaven and earth).
The one phenomenon of which earth consisted was darkness.
Then there were two, light and darkness.
The divisions are called creation.
The Bible doesn't tell us anything about darkness, excepting, later on that it is the place where the created things go after they have died.
Darkness is a creation because it divided from the earth. Being the result of division, having divided from light, it must also be dividing continually, but the division that takes place there, unlike the division that takes place in the light, cannot be seen. The Bible doesn't tell us how it divides or what is created by its division.
Light of course is the big story. There we can see the division that takes place. We can see that light was divided into periods of night and day.
Night is defined by the stars and moon and day by the sun.
(Contrary to the opinion of many people the darkness we see and call night isn't darkness, in the true sense, but something that divided from light)
this world a Garden of Eden.